Beaumes de Venise Rouge, “Terres Blanches”
This is the most important wine of the domaine in terms of production and the wine that we feel offers exceptional value for its quality. The vineyards are situated on the massif of the Dentelles de Montmirail and much of the vineyard surface is laid out in terraces to accommodate the steep slope of the hill. The soil is clay and limestone and the “encépagement” is 50% Grenache, 40% Syrah and 10% Mourvèdre. Harvest and vinification is done parcel-by-parcel and the final blend is done after a long cuvaison designed to obtain the finest and most profound extracts. The wine is bottled unfiltered after eleven months of aging in cement cuves. 3,600 to 4,800 bottles are shipped annually for our use in the USA.
About Domaine de Fenouillet
The brothers Soard, Patrick and Vincent, own and operate this impeccable domaine the cellars of which are situated in the village of Beaumes de Venise, in the shadows of Mont Ventoux and the Dentelles de Montmirail.
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